Lethal Minds
Croatoan Report
Episode 5: Carla Apodaca's "For Those in Peril"

Episode 5: Carla Apodaca's "For Those in Peril"

After a short break in syndication, we return with our latest guest, Carla Apodaca (@forthoseinperil). Carla runs a independent "war blog" on Instagram currently covering the Russo-Ukraine War. She also spends her time at a local Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles where she helps make individual first aid kids (IFAKs). Once completing an order, these IFAKs are sent to assist the Ukrainian war effort. In this episode, we discuss: 

- Social media affects on the conflict

- The Western worlds short sightedness 

- And coping with comedy 

Lethal Minds
Croatoan Report
Reporting and analysis on historical events, current conflicts and geopolitical flash-points.