This is essentially a manual for losing modern war. No wonder it takes a thousand dead to seize a single square kilometer.

All Ukraine needs is the tools in the proper density and this war will end badly for the orcs. The pure delusion on display... this is like reading a Japanese Army manual from about 1944.

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It is true, in the IIWW Japan was a train wreck with the logistics and at the end they were defeated by the Soviets in Manchuria and by the US in the Pacific.

And now in comparison NATO elves has plentiful of tanks, armored vehicles, Patriots, and 155mm shells... oh wait

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Good battlefield advice, but politically wing nuts. Same kind of blabber we heard from Serbs int he 90s about Bosnians having been Serbs once and thusly ok to shell their cities and kill their kids to make them Serbian again.

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Bullshit russian propaganda. Ukraine is a sovereign country with its own language, its own culture. Russian nazis have invaded it first in 2014, annexing some territories, then in 2022 started a full scale invasion to steal even more.

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The same language? There is Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish. Their president is a native Russian speaker who had to take classes to learn to speak his broken Ukrainian.

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Y..., a caso eso justifica el ataque ruso a Ucrania, o por lo menos eso e de entender de tu parte, espero no sea así.

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No, pero para justificar la guerra solo me basta con la masacre de la Casa de los Sindicatos de Odesa en 2014, llevada a cabo por los mismos golpistas.

Pero puedo incluír el Callejón de los Ángeles (Alley of Angels)

Puedo incluir que Zelensky amenazó con desarrollar armas nucleares y usarlas contra Rusia (esto es lo más estúpido que ha dicho ese payaso, y mira que ha dicho cosas) Dos días después comenzó la guerra.

Puedo incluir los crímenes del Batallón Azov (con videos filmados por ellos mismos)

EL hecho de que sus héroes nacionales sean todos colaboradores nazis que justificaron o llevaron acabo limpiezas étnicas.

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only an ignorant would reject valuable information and knowledge such as this, knowledge is what keeps you alive, if you are too adoctrinated to reject knowledge then there's nothing that anyone can do to save you

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